One of the Best Places to Get a Short-Wave Signal-In the World Yep, you guessed it...

Where better than the Star View Guest House in Changunarayan, Nepal? Several of our few guests who came to Nepal for their Ham Radio hobby came back and one even came back and left us a lovely radio and antenna set-up. 

Particularly from October 1 through the start of June, we have amazingly clear skies, both day and night. There are only a handful of Ham Radio buffs in Nepal and even fewer Radio Shacks in which to enjoy our amazingly clear channels. If you are a HAM radio buff and would like to enjoy some radio time without having to bring your equipment, we invite you to come to Changunarayan and stay at the edge of the hilltop at Star View Guest House and enjoy all that Nepal has to offer. 

We have two mountain bikes, which you are most welcome to use at no charge when you come as a radio shack guest. 

We provide a large room with attached bath and an extra room for using the radio, both on the top floor and step out to the rooftop terrace. Our guests can also sit out on our rooftop and enjoy our brisk, clean winter weather; it's mild and sunny up until monoon. 
Our rooftop is the perfect place to have lunch.

Our prices for our radio shack offer is $60 for our best room with lovely views, plus the room with the radio setup. We can put one large bed or two twin beds in the room. We only have 6 rooms, but we can take groups of up to 12 if the group doesn't mind sharing. 
We can do group pricing for a nice savings offer.

Food is $7 per person per day, which includes all you want to eat while you are here at the guesthouse, organic coffee and a ride by taxi to Kathmandu for sightseeing each week. If you are here when we have the car you are most welcome to come along with us. If you are here a week or more we will schedule a car for you when you want to go, up to once a week. 

Here are a few pictures of our village. I cannot stress enough just how lovely it is. Changunarayan quickly becomes a favorite village for many tourists. 

We have a pine forest and several trekking routes, so our guests are always as busy as they want to be. Our prior Ham Radio guests stayed on the radio most of the time, but we can help you to enjoy all Nepal and our area have to offer.

Here is Sajit who will help you with everything you need, from getting your Nepal Ham Radio License, picking you up at the airport and making your stay comfortable.

Speaking of licenses, I'll bet you are interested in how much that will cost and how hard it will be to get. It will cost you about $30 per person, to be paid prior to your arrival (we have Paypal and credit card options). You will need to fill out a form and send it via email along with a copy of your passport. Sajit will take the copy of your passport and paperwork to the proper government agency and get everything ready so you will be set up on day one.

Contact us for your Ham Radio Retreat at or connect with us 
on social media: 
@FrugalTravelsNe @KayGarnay4Nepal  @StarviewChangu  
We have a very high antenna attached to the building.

As you can see, we are open from all sides so you can get a good signal.


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