
Showing posts from October, 2017

One of the Best Places to Get a Short-Wave Signal-In the World Yep, you guessed it...

Where better than the Star View Guest House in Changunarayan, Nepal? Several of our few guests who came to Nepal for their Ham Radio hobby came back and one even came back and left us a lovely radio and antenna set-up.  Particularly from October 1 through the start of June, we have amazingly clear skies, both day and night. There are only a handful of Ham Radio buffs in Nepal and even fewer Radio Shacks in which to enjoy our amazingly clear channels. If you are a HAM radio buff and would like to enjoy some radio time without having to bring your equipment, we invite you to come to Changunarayan and stay at the edge of the hilltop at Star View Guest House and enjoy all that Nepal has to offer.  We have two mountain bikes, which you are most welcome to use at no charge when you come as a radio shack guest.  We provide a large room with attached bath and an extra room for using the radio, both on the top floor and step out to the rooftop terrace. Our ...

Our French Canadian Guests' Blog Post in French

Bistare   bistare   Le Soleil qui tape, d é goulinantes de sueur et bien  empoussi é r é es . C ’ est a insi que nous avons fait notre entr é e dans Changu  Narayan  depuis  Bodhnath ,  Né pal. Le plan: faire le tour de la vallée de Katmandou à la marche , puis nous diriger vers Pokhara, vive le trekking .  Sur le chemin de terre menant au village, un homme nous  hêle , sortant de forêt tel  Gandalf , comme lui seul a le don de le faire . Nous parlant dans un anglais fluide,  Anoj  nous apprend qu’il est un guide.  Bistare   bistare   (lentement lentement, expression souvent de circonstance )  nous  montons une colline jusqu’à  arriver à  la  Starview   Guesthouse , après en avoir visité une autre  antérieurement .  Suivant  Anoj , nous  dé bouchons  sur une terrasse  et rencontrons   Ama , la propriétaire, et des amis népalais.  En e...